
Critique with Gregory Heisler

Hallmark students are currently nearing the end of Phase 3 and their work is being critiqued by instructors. The critique class is definitely a great way for the instructors to get a feel for the student's body of work and for the students to get some critical feedback and suggestions. My first critique was with Gregory Heisler, and I learned a ton by sitting with him and talking about my work. Heisler is an expert at lighting, so it was so much help having him look over my portfolio. Our instructor John Nordell captured the process. Please check out the photo here: 


Promotional Piece

This promotional piece was created towards the beginning of my time here at Hallmark, so I used a photo previously shot in Lubbock. I love the organic feel to it and the color palette.

New England's Fall

Awhile back I asked my friend, Jeff, to model right outside of school because the light was killer. I definitely miss the fall colors and lack of snow...

Food Photography

Here is my first attempt at photographing food. It is much more involved than you think, yet so much fun to shoot! The key is to keep the food looking fresh and edible. Practice, practice, practice!



Gregory Heisler and David Turner put on a Q-Lights class for a day, and we walked around campus and outside to produce some dramatically-lit images.

Published in The Recorder

At Hallmark, students are randomly selected and featured weekly in Greenfield's The Recorder newspaper. I was thrilled to be this week's student!

Environmental Still Life

Studio or on location? This particular image was made in the studio. I'm loving the 4x5 cameras and working in the commercial studio.

High Key